
Inconel625镍基合金微动磨损性能研究 被引量:4

Fretting Wear Performance of Inconel 625
摘要 研究了3个主要摩擦磨损参数载荷、振幅和频率对Inconel625镍基合金在常温常压下摩擦磨损性能的影响,对摩擦系数和磨损程度进行计算和分析,对磨痕表面形貌进行了观察,并用EDS和XPS分析了磨痕表面的化学成份和相组成,探讨了损伤机理.结果表明:在3个特征参量中,频率对摩擦系数的影响最大,平均摩擦系数随载荷增大略有减小,随振幅增大略有增大,但随频率增大而显著增大;磨损程度随振幅、载荷的增大而加剧;在磨痕不同区域展现出不同的损伤机制:中心磨损区的主要损伤机制是黏着和剥层,滑动损伤区的主要损伤机制是磨粒磨损,而在边缘区则为基体和磨屑的挤压变形;磨痕氧化层的主要组成是铁的氧化物Fe2O3和Fe3O4或FeO,有少量铬和镍的氧化物NiO、Ni2O3和Cr2O3,存在基体元素镍单质. The purpose of this work is to study the effect of three key parameters, load, amplitude and frequency, on fretting wear performance of Ni - based Inconel 625 alloy at ambient temperature and pressure. Friction coefficient and wear volume are calculated and analyzed. The cross and 3D surface profiles of wear scar are observed. The chemical composition and phase composition of the worn surface are analyzed by Energy Dispersive Spectrometer and X - ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. The fretting wear damage mechanisms are discussed. The results indicate that of the three parameters, frequency has the maximum effect on friction coefficient. The average friction coefficient slightly decreases as load and amplitude increase while it significantly increases as frequency increases. The wear rates markedly increases as amplitude and load increase. Based on the observation of the worn surface different regions of the wear sear show different wear mechanisms, i. e. adhesion and peeling for the center wear area, typical particle attrition for the sliding area, while deformation of the matrix and adhesion of wear debris for the edge of the wear scar. The oxide layer are composed of iron oxides Fe203 and Fe304 or FeO, and a small amount of chromium and nickel oxides NiO, Ni203 , Cr203 and nickel.
作者 马妙 陆永浩
出处 《摩擦学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期458-465,共8页 Tribology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)(2011CB610504)~~
关键词 Inconel625 微动 摩擦磨损 损伤机理 Incone1625, fretting, wear, damage mechanism
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