
M701F联合循环机组凝泵全程变速控制系统的实现 被引量:1

M701F Combined Cycle Unit Condensate Pump Full Process Variable Speed Control System
摘要 在大功率电机上应用变频技术是国家推广的主工节能手段,对已建成和投产的大功率电机,也鼓励进行变频节能改造;我公司有三台已投运390MW燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组,凝结水泵是定速泵,它为低压汽包提供给水,凝结水泵的配置较高,能耗突出,进行变频节能改造,在此项目中,我们设计了适应于各种情况的全程变速控制逻辑,满足低压汽包水位各种负荷下的自动调节要求,实现了节能改造目标。 It is the main energy-saving method that encourage to use frequency conversion technology on large power motor. It is also encourage to use the technology on operation equipment by reform. There are three sets of 390MW gas-steam combined cycle unit in running. Condensate pumps are constant speed pump, it supply feed water to low drum. It's power more than the requirement, condensate pumps consumpes much energy than needs. In the works of reform condensate pumps, frequency conversion technology is used on it. In the project, full process variable speed control logic to control condensate pump speed in any case are designed. The regulation system meet requirements of regulation low drum level under high load. It achieves the purpose of. energy-saving.
作者 罗国平
出处 《自动化技术与应用》 2012年第10期98-100,103,共4页 Techniques of Automation and Applications
关键词 变频 凝结水泵 控制逻辑 调节阀 frequency conversion condensate pump control logic regulating valve
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