目的探讨Barrett食管(BE)的内镜和病理特点,比较长段型和短段型BE的氩气疗效。方法 BE患者68例,采用胃镜+活检,确诊后给予氩离子凝固术(APC)+泮托拉唑治疗62例,并于治疗后1、3、6个月随访胃镜+病理。结果 BE的发病以中年多见,男性多于女性。短段型BE占92.64%,岛型占61.67%。短段型APC后1个月复查,治疗有效率低于长段型(P<0.01),复发病例给予二次APC治疗;3个月有效率明显高于长段型(P<0.01)。治疗过程中无严重不良反应发生。结论 BE的发病以中年、男性、岛型及短段型多见。APC+泮托拉唑治疗对BE,尤其在短段型患者的病理修复有明显疗效。
Objective To investigate the endoscopic and pathological features of Barrett' s esophagus (BE) and compare the outcomes of treatment with combined use of argon plasma coagulation and pantoprazole for long segment BE(LSBE) and short segment BE(SSBE). Methods Gastral endoscopy plus biopsy was performed in 68 BE patients. Combined use of argon plasma coagulation and pantoprazole was carried out in 62 cases, who were followed up with gastral endoscopy and pathology in 1,3 and 6 months. Results The incidence of BE was more common in middle-aged men. Of 62 cases,SSBE accounted for 92.64% and island type for 61.67%. The effectiveness rate of endoscopy for SSBE was lower than that for LSBE in one month (P〈0. 01). The patients with recurrence received the second treatment under endoscopy. The effectiveness rate of endoscopy for SSBE in 3 months was higher than that for LSBE. No serious adverse events occurred during the treatment. Conclusion The majority of BE are the middle-aged male patients with island type and SSBE. Combined use of argon plasma coagulation and pantoprazole is remarkably effective for pathological repair of BE, especially for the patients with SSBE.
Jiangsu Medical Journal