
抗耐药结核病的药物研究进展 被引量:1

Advances in anti-drug-resistant tuberculosis drugs
摘要 此文综述了近年抗耐药结核病的药物研究进展,重点讲述了一些新型抗结核药物研发新领域,其中较有开发前景的抗结核候选药物有PNU100480、TMC207、SQq09、0PC-67683和SQ641—2AUA。尽管目前联合化疗进展令人鼓舞,但是困难也不断出现,仍需要做更多的工作,以便今后开发出简单、有效与毒性低的药物。 The advances in anti-drug-resistant tuberculosis drugs in recent years are reviewed in this article. It focuses on some promising fields of novel anti-tuberculous agents, among which PNU100480, TMC207, SQ-109, 0PC- 67683 and SQ641-2AUA are more promising candidates. The headway of combined chemotherapy is exciting. However, the associated obstacles increase. It needs further study to develop new drugs which are simple, effective and low toxic.
作者 李奎 杜娟
出处 《国际流行病学传染病学杂志》 CAS 2012年第5期355-360,共6页 International Journal of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease
关键词 结核 抗多种药物性 化学治疗 药物 Tuberculosis, multidrug-resistant Chemotherapy Drugs
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