

An investigation into the origen of the interference generated during the measurement of the reactivity in a high burn-up reactor core
摘要 回顾了1980年9月实验前,在反应堆噪声分析领域的技术发展概况。展示了在实验动力堆燃耗末、卸料前,用双探测器互相关频谱分析法(CCFS)测得的一组数据;和经过离线去本底拟合计算后,获得的动力学参数测量结果:αc=(144.57±2.09)s-1。介绍了数据获取过程中出现的异常情况;离线处理的方法;本底谱选定;拟合计算程序;计算结果和结论。还简要介绍了干扰源的来源及其强度计算概况。数据处理结果证明:在长期燃耗后的堆芯上应用噪声分析法,除了要克服大γ场的干扰外,还要严格消除本底中子场产生的不相关噪声干扰。 After a general review for the technical development before 1980's in the area of nuclear reactor noise analysis,a reactor dynamic parameter,at = (144.57 ± 2.09)s^-1 , obtained through off-line background processing, is shown. The processed data is measured through double- detector cross correlation frequency spectral analysis (CCFS) for the experimental nuclear power reactor at the burn-up end in sept. 1980. This paper also presents the abnormal situations for data acquisition, the off-line data processing method,the background spectra selection for data processing and the program for the least-squares fit calculation. Here also explains how neutron background is generated and how its strength is calculated. This verifies the fact that after a long-term burn-up run,large γ field must he suppressed and also more attention must be paid to the uncorrelated neutron noise from the fuel burn-up.
出处 《核科学与工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期198-204,共7页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
关键词 停堆反应性测量 互相关频谱分析法 最小二乘方拟合 自发裂变 shutdown reactivity measurement cross correlation frequency spectral analysis method least-squares fit spontaneous fission
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