Within only 5 years, Dell, once the world number one PC manufacturer, has made a transformation from a PC producer into an end- to-end solution provider. Michael Dell, founder and chairman of the company, took the post of CEO in February, 2007 and soon made the decision. The purpose is clear: get out of the low- margin mire of PC industry. Then Dell rushed to join the distribution camp saying 'the direct model has been a revolution, but it is not a religion'. Just like what Cisco and Oracle did before, it merged companies to extend its business from PC and servers into a much greater scope including storage, consulting service, network equipment and management software, etc. to provide new pivots for the future. The whole transformation was accompanied by entanglement and pain, but finally, a B2B company orienting at consultation service and supported by software is emerging. However, though the internal revenue and profit structures have obviously changed in the past 5 years, Michael Dell finds there is still a great gap between the ideal and the reality. In the depressing global economic environment and fiercely competing market, Dell's financial statement doesn't look good. Both its revenue and profit dropped according to its report for the second quarter of the 2013 fiscal year. The more nerve-wracking problem is the company's stock price has been lingering around 10 US dollars, which is no more than half the average value in 2007.The situation is becoming more and more serious for Dell. It seems that the five-year-long transformation is coming to a bottle neck. Confronted by all these harsh realities, what does Michael Dell need to do?