[Objective]The aim was to explore optimization of system of oocytes in-vitro culture of young animals. [Method]Effects of EGF ( epidermal growth factor) and β-mercaptoethanol in maturation media on fertilization,cleavage and blastaea were researched,which were then compared with those of adult sheep. [Result]EGF in different concentrations had little effects on rates of cleavage and blastaea ( P 〉0.05) and β-mer-captoethanol in different concentrations would improve blastaea rate of oocytes,for example,100 μmol/L of β-mercaptoethanol has significant effects on balstaea rate ( P 〈0.05) ,but has little effects on cleavage rate ( P 〉0. 05) . In addition,rates of cleavage and balstaea of oocytes in lamb were both lower than those of adult sheep ( P 〈0.05) ; fertilization rate of oocytes in lamb ( P 〈0.05) ,which differed little with that of adult sheep ( P 〉0.05) ,could be significantly enhanced by 100 μmol/L of β-mercaptoethanol. Furthermore,polyspermy rate was higher than that of adult sheep without β-mercaptoethanol ( P 〈0.05) ; the rate was of little differences with that of adult sheep with 100 μmol/L of β-mercaptoethanol ( P 〉 0.05) ; unfertilization rate ( 20%) in media without β-mercaptoethanol was a little higher ( P 〉0.05) than those of adult sheep ( 12.3%) and those in media with β-mercaptoethanol ( 13.5%) . [Conclusion]Developmental capacity of oocytes and fertilization rate could be improved by 100 μmol/L of β-mercaptoethanol with polyspermy rate reduced,but developmental capacity of lamb was significantly lower than that of adult sheep.
[Objective]The aim was to explore optimization of system of oocytes in-vitro culture of young animals. [Method]Effects of EGF ( epidermal growth factor) and β-mercaptoethanol in maturation media on fertilization,cleavage and blastaea were researched,which were then compared with those of adult sheep. [Result]EGF in different concentrations had little effects on rates of cleavage and blastaea ( P 〉0.05) and β-mer-captoethanol in different concentrations would improve blastaea rate of oocytes,for example,100 μmol/L of β-mercaptoethanol has significant effects on balstaea rate ( P 〈0.05) ,but has little effects on cleavage rate ( P 〉0. 05) . In addition,rates of cleavage and balstaea of oocytes in lamb were both lower than those of adult sheep ( P 〈0.05) ; fertilization rate of oocytes in lamb ( P 〈0.05) ,which differed little with that of adult sheep ( P 〉0.05) ,could be significantly enhanced by 100 μmol/L of β-mercaptoethanol. Furthermore,polyspermy rate was higher than that of adult sheep without β-mercaptoethanol ( P 〈0.05) ; the rate was of little differences with that of adult sheep with 100 μmol/L of β-mercaptoethanol ( P 〉 0.05) ; unfertilization rate ( 20%) in media without β-mercaptoethanol was a little higher ( P 〉0.05) than those of adult sheep ( 12.3%) and those in media with β-mercaptoethanol ( 13.5%) . [Conclusion]Developmental capacity of oocytes and fertilization rate could be improved by 100 μmol/L of β-mercaptoethanol with polyspermy rate reduced,but developmental capacity of lamb was significantly lower than that of adult sheep.
GUO Hong1,2,3,WAN Peng-cheng2,3SHI Wen-yan4,NI Jian-hong2,3,DAI Rong2,3,MAO Qing-qing2,3,5,ZHU Hui1,2,3,ZHANG Bin2,3,LIU Chang-bin2,3,SHI Guo-qing2,3 1. College of Life Sciences,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832000,China
2. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Institute,Xinjiang Academy of Agri- cultural and Reclamation Science,Shihezi 832000,China
3. Key Lab of Sheep Breeding and Reproduction,Xinjiang Agroreclamation Academy of Sciences,Shihezi 832000,China
4. Medical College,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832000,China
5. College of Animal Science & Technolo- gy,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China
funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31160460)
Doctor Fund of Xinjiang Military Groups (2010JC10)
National Wool Industry System (nycytx-40-06)
National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2011BAD28B05-1-1)
863 Plan (2011AA100307)
Breeding Strategy of Xinjiang Group (2011BA006)