目的了解北京地区居家养老与养老院养老不同养老方式下老年期抑郁症的患病情况,为保护老年人群身心健康提供科学依据。方法于2009年2-6月,在北京6个社区及2家养老院,分别调查了356名居家养老和171名养老院养老的老年人。采用自制问卷采集老年人婚姻、文化程度、职业等社会经济学特征,采用《中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准》第3版(CCMD-3)关于抑郁症的诊断标准,以及24项汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)进行老年期抑郁症筛查。结果北京地区居家养老者老年期抑郁症的检出率为10.7%,其中轻中度占7.6%,重度占3.1%;养老院养老者老年期抑郁症的检出率为37.5%,其中轻中度占36.3%,重度占1.2%。养老院养老组的抑郁症检出率明显高于居家养老组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=52.97,P<0.01)。居家养老组HAMD得分为16.17±4.98,养老院养老组得分为18.48±5.47。对居家养老组与养老院养老组抑郁症患者HAMD 7项因子进行比较,养老院养老组焦虑和阻滞因子得分高于居家养老组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论居家养老方式有益于防治老年期抑郁症的发生。
Objective To study the prevalence rate of depression in elderly in the different styles of providing for the aged,the elderly living at home and living in senior center nursing home in some regions of Beijing.Methods From February to June in 2009,356 old people living at home in six communities and 171 living in two nursing homes were investigated.Their marriage,cultural level,characteristics of professional and other social economy indexes were collected by self-made questionnaire.CCMD-3 and 24-item HAMD was conducted on the depression screening among the objects.Results The overall prevalence rate of depression in the elderly living at home was 10.7%,of which mild and moderate depression was 7.6% and severe was 3.1%;In the elderly living at nursing homes,the overall incidence rate was 37.5%,of which mild and moderate depression was 36.3% and severe was 1.2%.The prevalence of depression of the elderly living in nursing homes was significantly higher than that of living at home(χ2=52.97,P0.01).The score of HAMD of the former was 16.17±4.98,the latter was 18.48±5.47,and there were significant differences in scores of anxiety and retardation factors between the two groups.Conclusion The style of living at home is better than the other.
Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
Living at home
Living in nursing home
Depression in elderly