
基于多目标的乌江特大桥方案比选 被引量:5

Multi-Objective Comparison and Selection of Design Schemes for Wujiang River Bridge
摘要 由于桥址处地形地质条件所限,跨径360m的乌江特大桥可供选择的桥型主要为斜拉桥和拱桥。为选定乌江特大桥的合理桥型,通过对乌江特大桥方案设计的影响因素分析,在工程规模及经济性相当的基础上,重点考虑施工条件,结合桥梁动态可靠度、后期维修、风险评估、环境保护、景观效果对方案进行了系统的分析、论证与比较,经综合比选各方案的优、缺点后,推荐斜拉桥方案为乌江特大桥的建设方案。 Restricted by the topographic and geologic conditions at the bridge rote, the bridge types that can be selected for the 360-m span Wujiang River Bridge are mainly the cable-stayed bridge and arch bridge. To choose a rational bridge type for the bridge, the design schemes for the bridge are systematically analyzed, studied and compared on the basis of analysis of the factors that may have influences on the schemes, the about equal construction scale and construction cost, the careful consideration of the construction conditions and also in the light of the dynamic reliability, later time maintenance and repair, risk evaluation, environment protection and land-scape effect of the bridge type. The comprehensive comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the different design schemes concludes that the design scheme of the cable-stayed bridge should be recommended to the bridge to be built.
出处 《桥梁建设》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期69-73,共5页 Bridge Construction
关键词 斜拉桥 钢管混凝土拱桥 方案比选 施工条件 动态可靠度 蒙特卡罗方法 cable-stayed bride concrete-filled steel tubular arch bridge scheme comparison and selection construction condition dynamic reliability Monte Carlo method
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