唐代是我国封建社会法律制度十分完备的时代。唐代统治者为了能 使国家的法令制度很好地贯彻实施,非常重视对法律人才的培养和选拔工作。在中 央设立了专门的法学教育机构律学馆,招收生员,还首次开设明法科,实行考试制度, 公开从社会上选拔法律人才。明法科在中国历史上存在了六七百年,对于提高官吏 的法律素质,减少官吏犯罪的发生起了重要的作用。
Tang Dynasty is an age with a quite complete legal system in Chinese feudal society. In order to make national laws and regulations be implemented well, rulers of Tang Dynasty attached great importance to fostering and selecting legal talents. A special legal education institute-Association of Law Study-was set up. The institute enrolled students, offered the course of law for the first time, had examination system, and publicly selected legal talents in the society. Having existed in Chinese history for six or seven hundred years, the course of law had played an important role in enhancing officials' legal quality and reduced crimes committed by officials.
Tribune of Political Science and Law