
垂直一致:美国一致性研究的新热点 被引量:1

Vertical Alignment:The New Focus of Alignment Research
摘要 以内容标准的精细化、序列化与结构化为最终目标的垂直一致性研究正成为课程内容研究的新热点。美国各州教育部门、学区与学校以及教育研究机构为促进课程"垂直一致"已积极开展各方面工作,充分发挥一致性研究成果在共同核心(州立)标准开发中所起的重要作用。垂直一致研究具有广阔的发展前景,我国也应根据一致性研究成果,在课程实践中做到"破除陈旧认识"、"强化基础研究"、"加强课程引导"、"促进学科协调"。 Vertical Alignment,aiming at the elaboration,serialization and structuring of the curriculum standards,is becoming the new loci of the field of curriculum research. Currently,the relative work of "Vertical Alignment" has been conducted by various educational departments ,school community and institutions in America. The work helps to promote the quality of the VA,and serves a vital role in the development of the Common Core State Standards in America. Vertical Alignment has a wide horizon of development ,which sheds great lights on the curriculum in practice in our country. For example,the results of VA study facilitates the changes instensification of fundamental research,the solidification of the traditional ideas,the of curriculum guide, and the improvement of subject coordination.
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期50-59,共10页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 美国 垂直一致 分年级学习目标 共同核心(州立)标准 America Vertical Alignment Grade -Level -Expectations Common Core State Standards
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