为了研究换流站直流滤波器避雷器的最苛暂态应力,结合宁东-山东±660 kV高压直流输电工程银川东站直流滤波器的配置,使用某公司提供的避雷器电阻片伏安特性,对直流滤波器避雷器在近区故障和远端故障时的暂态应力进行了仿真分析。研究结果得到了直流滤波器避雷器的最苛刻暂态应力,为确定直流滤波器各设备的绝缘水平提供了依据;同时也验证了避雷器电阻片的实用性,能够满足工程建设的需要。
In order to study the most severe transient stress of the DC filter arresters converter station, The author works on the simulation analysis of several fault modes by using the arrester V-I characteristics and combining with the DC filter configuration in Yinchuan East Station of Ningdong to Shandong ±660 kV HVDC transmission project. The result gives the most severe stress of the DC filter arrester, which provides the insulation level of the DC filter equipment, and proves practicability of the arrester V-I characteristics can meet the requirements of HVDC construetion.
Insulators and Surge Arresters