
美俄裁减战略武器的进程及趋向 被引量:1

Progress and Tendency of US-Russian Strategic Arms Reduction
摘要 The negotiation between the United States and Russia on reducing strategic weapons has been lasting for more than 30 years. Though there are some progress, the implementation of the treaty is met with tremendous difficulties. Especially the United States demands, in disregard of the strong protest from Russia and the international community, revision of the anti ballistic missile treaty and put forward to develop and deploy the NMD and TMD systems, which seriously damaged the world strategic detente established in mid 1990s. At the moment, Washington insists to have its own way and sticks to the expensive NMD scheme, which lay bare its selfish and overbearing nature of seeking “absolute security” and hegemonism. As for Russia, it on one hand pursues vigorously an omni dimensional diplomacy of “advancing public relations”, “drumming up support” and “putting forward suggestions” so as to mobilize every political force to safeguard the anti ballistic missile treaty which serves as the basis for international strategic stability. This has won wide support from the international community. On the other hand, Russia has to make preparations in the military field so as to get ready to break the US strategic monopoly when necessary. In regard to the future trend of the negotiation on reducing strategic weapons, the United States will not easily give up the NMD scheme, but might make some adjustments, for instance, implement the TMD first, and then deploy the NMD when technology and political time become ripe. But for Russia, if its efforts to unite the international forces to safeguard the anti ballistic missile treaty and impede the US NMD scheme failed, it will withdraw from all the strategic weapon treaties signed with Washington, which will inflict a heavy blow on the international strategic weapons reduction cause and damage the international strategic balance and stability, leading to another round of arms The negotiation between the United States and Russia on reducing strategic weapons has been lasting for more than 30 years. Though there are some progress, the implementation of the treaty is met with tremendous difficulties. Especially the United States demands, in disregard of the strong protest from Russia and the international community, revision of the anti ballistic missile treaty and put forward to develop and deploy the NMD and TMD systems, which seriously damaged the world strategic detente established in mid 1990s. At the moment, Washington insists to have its own way and sticks to the expensive NMD scheme, which lay bare its selfish and overbearing nature of seeking “absolute security” and hegemonism. As for Russia, it on one hand pursues vigorously an omni dimensional diplomacy of “advancing public relations”, “drumming up support” and “putting forward suggestions” so as to mobilize every political force to safeguard the anti ballistic missile treaty which serves as the basis for international strategic stability. This has won wide support from the international community. On the other hand, Russia has to make preparations in the military field so as to get ready to break the US strategic monopoly when necessary. In regard to the future trend of the negotiation on reducing strategic weapons, the United States will not easily give up the NMD scheme, but might make some adjustments, for instance, implement the TMD first, and then deploy the NMD when technology and political time become ripe. But for Russia, if its efforts to unite the international forces to safeguard the anti ballistic missile treaty and impede the US NMD scheme failed, it will withdraw from all the strategic weapon treaties signed with Washington, which will inflict a heavy blow on the international strategic weapons reduction cause and damage the international strategic balance and stability, leading to another round of arms race
作者 王郦久
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第8期14-18,共5页
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