
授权理论在社区冠心病介入治疗术后患者教育中的应用研究 被引量:13

Application of empowerment theory in health education for patients with coronary heart disease af ter percutaneous coronary intervention in community
摘要 目的探讨应用授权理论在社区对冠心病介入治疗后患者进行健康教育的方法与作用。方法选择在苏州市各医院行冠心病介入治疗的术后出院患者各34例作为干预组与对照组研究对象,干预组实施以授权理论为指导的社区冠心病介入治疗术后健康教育,2组患者在干预前后分别填写《冠心病授权量表》,比较冠心病授权能力,观察2组患者干预后6个月的临床随访及冠状动脉造影检查结果。结果干预后干预组冠心病授权简化量表各项目得分与总分明显高于干预前,也高于同期对照组水平;6个月随访结束时,干预组患者心绞痛发生率、冠状动脉造影检查再狭窄的发生率明显低于对照组。结论授权理论指导下的“冠心病介入治疗术后健康教育”能有效提高患者在心理社会方面的技能,并能有效提高冠心病介入治疗后的远期疗效。 Objective To explore the application of empowerment theory in health education for patients with coronary heart disease after pereutaneous coronary intervention(PCI). Methods 68 patients were allocated into the intervention group and the control group with 34 patients in each group. The inter- vention group received health education guided by empowerment theory and the control group received only traditional health education. Coronary heart disease empowerment seale was reeorded before and after inter- vention for both groups. Clinical symptoms and coronary angiography were observed 6 months after PCI for both groups. Results The total coronary heart disease empowerment scale score and all subscales of the intervention group were improved after intervention, as well as the control group. After 6 months, rate of angina pectoris and the rate of restenosis examined by coronary angiography were lower than those of the control group. Conclusions The health edueation guided by empowerment theory can effectively improve the psyehosocial status as well as the long-term effect of PCI.
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 北大核心 2012年第31期45-47,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
关键词 授权 冠心病 介入治疗 健康教育 Empowerment Coronary heart disease Interventional therapy Health education
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