目的:既往研究表明不同住院患者人群的护理需求不同,很少有研究对住院患者护理需求的影响因素进行分析。因此,本研究旨在调查影响患者护理需求的因素,为临床全面、个体化的患者护理提供参考依据。方法:采用《住院病人护理需求调查表》对2011年10月至2011年12月在北京中医药大学东方医院的住院患者进行问卷调查,回收结果后进行数据回归统计分析。结果:经济收入高的患者对"尽快解除痛苦"、"病房安静整洁"、"宗教信仰不受干扰"的需求高;年龄大的患者对"协助拍背、咳痰"和"护士注意到病床、轮椅、推车等的安全"的需求高;文化程度高的患者对"宗教信仰不受干扰"需求高。脑力劳动患者对"护士重视并帮助减轻疼痛"和"医务人员耐心解释欠费"的需求要高于体力劳动患者;住院天数短的患者对"了解安全事项"需求高;住院时间长的患者对"护士经常巡视病房"、"了解病情及有关疾病"和"了解检查意义和结果 "的需求高。结论:经济状况、年龄、文化程度、职业性质、住院天数对患者的护理需求有一定影响。今后在为患者提供护理计划时,需要综合考虑患者的状况。
Objective: Prior researches have proved that patients' needs of nursing cares are vary from person to person.But there is little study addressing in the factors impacted on that of inpatients.Therefore,we conduct this research to clarify the factors impacting on nursing cares of inpatients,in order to service for clinical nursing care.Methods: Consecutive inpatients from October to December 2011 in Dongfang Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine are tested by using the Nursing Care Needs Questionnaire for Inpa-tient.The results are analysis by adopting the method of regression analysis.Results: The patients who have high income ask for high needs on easing pain as soon as possible,quiet and tidy environment and religious beliefs without interference;While the older patients prefer assistance in expectoration and concerning about the security of the sickbeds;Religious beliefs without interference is the prefer-ence among the group who have a high educational background;Mental workers tend to request more on explaining the unpaid overdue debts patiently and easing pain as soon as possible than physical workers;The patients who have less days of hospitalization show more claim on learning the security items than the counterparts.The patients who are in hospital for a long period tend to select Inspection the ward regular,learning the meanings of the test,learning the state of diseases and related diseases.Conclusion: Income status,age,educa-tional background,career characteristic and days of hospitalization appear a moderate influence on the nursing care needs of inpatients.We should focus on the characteristics of inpatients for the sake of nursing management.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine
Influencing factors
Nursing care needs