The codification of criminal law and maturity of criminal code are a kind of tendency of medernization of criminal legislation, as to the concept of crime, combination and unification of definition in form and definition in essence should be stuck to; there are two kinds of classification of crimes in criminal law, one is in accordance with the nature of crime, another is in accordance with the seriousness of crime; criminal constitution can be classified as statutory criminal constitution and realistic criminal constitution; when institutions agencies, organizations, civilianrun nonbusiness units act as corporate subject of crime, its connotation should be correctly defined;criminal object is injured by the criminal act of the subject of crime, and is the social interests protected by the criminal law of our country. It is the constituent part of a crime, and the constituent part of criminal constitution as well; the concept of culpability should be laid down in criminal law, and the culpability principle of 'no culpability, no crime, and no punishment'should be stuck to. Culpability not only refers to intent and negligence, but also includes other factors, and it not only has the difference between existence and nonexistence, but also the difference in extent; 'Possession', as a form of criminal act usually expresses as act, but sometimes it also expresses as omission, even as cross of the two, therefore, it is possible to take it as as the third form of criminal act;the evaluation and judgment by the state of criminals and criminal acts belong to the contents of criminal liability, the qualitative change of criminal constitution is determined by three factors of constitutive elements nature, quality, and combinative patterns. Study of qualitative change and partial qualitative change of crime and criminal constitution can be used to construct the new system of the specific principles of the criminal law.
Tribune of Political Science and Law
Criminal Code Criminal Constitution Criminal Object Culpability Criminal Liability Corporate Subject of Crime