
气候变化问题:国际政治的较量与利益的博弈 被引量:2

The Politial Contest Clouds the Issue of World Climate
摘要 从哥本哈根到坎昆,再从坎昆到德班全球气候变化谈判看,虽然各国谈判代表在一些问题上达成了初步共识,取得了许多阶段性成果,但这三次重要全球气候变化谈判自始至终充满了国际政治上的较量以及国际间利益的冲突和博弈,严重的分歧依然没能保证全球切实展开应对气候变化行动。为此,人们期待着2012年卡塔尔全球气候谈判会议能够就应对气候变化取得突破性结果,在2013年1月前达成《京都议定书》后续协议,为最终实现全球气候变化谈判需要达到的目标铺平道路,使全球气候谈判能够善始善终。 In December 2010, as the Kyoto Protocol was approaching its 2012 expiration,the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference opened in Cancun(Mexico).Cancun progress on second commitment period and global emission cuts should be furthered at Durban.Climate change is one of the issues of crucial importance to the interests of human beings and the national development of every country.It requires the collaborative efforts of all countries.Thanks to the joint efforts of all parties,the Cancun Agreements were adopted at Cancun,Mexico,in December last year.They are of importance to furthering mutual understanding and advancing the negotiating process.The international negotiations on climate change are a long-term task.The Cancun Conference showed that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol,as a United Nations multilateral process,are still full of vigor and play an irreplaceable role after 20 years of negotiations.
作者 王东
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期45-59,284,共15页 Academics
关键词 全球气候变暖 全球气候谈判 气候谈判的政治较量 国际冲突和博弈 Climatic Change Negotiations political of climate strength Copenhagen Climatic Change Conference Cancun Climatic Change Conference Durban Climatic Change Conference
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  • 2UNFGCC:192 countries around the world have joined an international treaty that sets general goals and rules for confronting climate change. See http://unfccc, int/essential_background/feeling_the_heat/items/2913, php.
  • 3UNFCCC :The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The major feature of the Kyoto Protocol is that it sets binding targets for 37 indus- trialized countries and the European community for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These amount to an average of five per cent against 1990 levels over the five - year period 2008 -2012. See http://unfccc, int/ kyoto_protoeoL/items/2830, php.
  • 4And today I' d like to announce that, in the context of a strong accord in which all major economies stand behind meaningful mitigation actions and provide full transparency as to their implementation, the United States is prepared to work with other countries toward a goal of jointly mobilizing $100 billion a year by 2020 to address the climate change needs of developing countries. We expect this funding will come from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources of finance. This will include a significant focus on forestry and adaptation, particularly, again I repeat, for the poorest and most vulnerable a- mong us. See http ://www. kouyi, org/field/environment/1033, html.
  • 5“77国集团+中国”谈判代表卢蒙巴·迪亚平,2009年12月18日在哥本哈根会议新闻中心接受记者的表示.见http://post.news.tom.com/s/F600094D1630.html.
  • 6新华网,2010年lO月31日南京电.见http://news.xinhuanet.eom/wofld/2010—11—04/151321414183.shtml.
  • 7新华网,2010年12月5日.见http://news.xinhuanet.com/wodd/2010—12/05/e-12849606.htm.
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  • 9黄惠康.《通往德班之路:气候变化谈判前景》,《外交季刊》年春季刊.
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