目的 :探讨血清肌酸激酶 MM同工酶 ( CK— MM)亚型 MM3/ MM1 比值诊断急性心肌梗塞 ( Acute Myocardial Infarction,AMI)的参比值。方法 :应用琼脂凝胶电泳法测定了 60例 AMI,76例非 AMI和 4 0例正常人血清 CK— MM亚型 MM3/ MM1 比值。结果 :在诊断 AMI中 MM3/ MM1比值的最佳界限值为 0 .5;当参比值为 0 .5时 ,其敏感性为 80 .0 % ,特异性为 93.1% ,诊断效率为88.6%。结论 :血清 MM3/ MM1 比值是 AMI诊断敏感而特异的酶学指标 ,且患病率和参比值对 AMI的诊断十分重要。
Objective:[WT5BZ]To study the referent values of serum isoforms of creatine kinase MM isoenzyme(MM 3/MM 1 ratio)in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction(AMI).[WT5HZ]Methods:[WT5BZ]The changes of MM 3/MM 1 ratio in the first avaliable serum from 60 patients with AMI,76 with non-infarct and 40 normal subjects were quantified and the diagnostic accuracy for AMI in its serial referent values were evaluated.[WT5HZ]Results:[WT5BZ]The referent value 0.5 was the best discrimination value in the diagnosis of AMI with the sensitivity 80.0%,the specificity 93.1% and the accuracy 88.6%.[WT5HZ]Conclusion:[WT5BZ]These suggest the MM 3/MM 1 ratio be a sensitive and specific marker for AMI.and the prevalence and referent value were important to the diagnosis of AMI. [WT5HZ]
Hebei Medicine