
自我决定动机对考试焦虑的影响:拖延行为的不同中介作用 被引量:16

The Influence of Self-Determination Motivation on Test Anxiety:Procrastinations as a Different Mediator
摘要 我国约有一半的大学生经受着考试焦虑的困扰。结合国内外已有研究成果,本研究以624名大学生为被试,考察了自我决定动机的3种类型和拖延行为的2种类型对考试焦虑的忧虑性、情绪性的影响。结果发现:(1)无动机对考试焦虑的2种类型都有正向的直接影响。(2)唤起性拖延仅对情绪性有正向直接影响,而回避性拖延仅对忧虑性有正向直接影响。(3)唤起性拖延在无动机影响考试焦虑的情绪性中起了重要的部分中介作用,而回避性拖延在无动机影响考试焦虑的忧虑性中起了重要的部分中介作用。 About half of the Chinese college students suffered from test anxiety. Two components of test anxiety have been defined by Liebert and Morris (1967) : worry and emotionality. Worry typically refers to the cognitive component of test anxiety, as it reflects the debilitating thoughts and concerns the test-taker has before or during the test, and emotionality refers to the physiological symptoms stemming from the arousal of the autonomic nervous system and associated affective responses. Previous studies have demonstrated that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, two types of self-determination motivation, have no significant correlation with two components of test anxiety. However, no study has reported the relationship between test anxiety and amotivation, yet another type of self-determination motivation. So, with the findings from previous studies, the present study investigated how worry and emotionality were influenced by amotivation and by the different mediating roles of procrastination of arousal/avoidance types. Six hundred and twenty four college students (329 males, 265 females, 32 unknown) from 7 universities in 3 provinces were sur- veyed in the unit of class. Test anxiety was measured by the Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI), self-determination motivation was measured by the Academic Motivation Scale College Version (AMS-C), arousal and avoidance procrastination were measured by the Layg General Procrastination Scale for Student Populations (GPs) and the Adult Inventory of Procrastination (AIP) respectively. All data was pro- cessed by Amos 7.0. The analysis of correlation shows that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation have no significant correlation with worry; fur- thermore, the correlation between intrinsic motivation and emotionality was less than. 2, so was the correlation between extrinsic motiva- tion and emotionality. This was consistent with the previous findings. However, amotivation was positively related to both worry and e- motionality significantly: the correlation between amotivation and worry was. 47 (p 〈. 001 ) and. 39 (p 〈. 001 ) with emotionality. A- rousal procrastination was positively related to both worry (r =. 43, p 〈. 001 ) and emotionality (r =. 41, p 〈. 001 ) significantly, so was avoidance procrastination ( r =. 60, p 〈. 001, with worry, r =. 52, p 〈. 001, with emotionality). Further analysis by SEM showed that amotivation had a direct influence on the two components of test anxiety ( worry and emotiona- lity), both of the influential paths being positive. Arousal procrastination had a direct positive influence on emotionality, but no direct influential path to worry. On the contrary, avoidance procrastination had a direct positive influence on worry, but no direct influential path to emotionality. Arousal procrastination played an impotent mediating role between the relationship of amotivation and emotionality ( mediate effect occupies 45% of the total effects), and avoidance procrastination played an impotent mediating role between amotivation and worry (mediate effect occupies 48.9% of the total effects). It is indicated that amotivation and procrastination have the combined effects on test anxiety.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1096-1101,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 自我决定 拖延 考试焦虑 忧虑 情绪 中介 self-determination, procrastination, test anxiety, worry, emotionality, mediate
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