
不同熟练双语儿童注意定向中的抑制控制 被引量:7

Inhibition Control in the Attentional Orienting of Bilingual Children of Different Proficiency
摘要 研究目的:探讨不同熟练双语儿童"注意定向"成分中抑制控制的差异,及这一差异是否依赖于双语儿童第二语言的熟练程度。方法:采用IOR范式的行为实验。被试为平衡、未平衡双语儿童和单语儿童。结果:SOA600ms时,三组被试均出现了IOR,平衡双语儿童与单语儿童的IOR效应量差异显著,其余被试间差异均不显著。结论:(1)双语学习促进了平衡双语儿童抑制控制能力的发展。(2)双语学习对抑制控制能力的促进作用依赖于双语儿童第二语言的熟练程度。 Attentional process contains three components: alerting, orienting and executive control. Costa and her partners have found the "bilingual effect" in alerting and executive control, but not in orienting. However, they have neglected an inhibition factor in atten- tional orienting called "inhibition of return, abbreviated IOR". So we plan to use the paradigm of IOR to discuss whether the bilingual effect will occur in orienting, and whether the effect occurreuce depends on the proficiency of the second language. The experiment was a 3 × 2 × 2 design. The first variable was the type of subjects, who were 15 balance bilingual children, 16 unbalance bilingual children and 17 monolingual children. The second variable was SOA, which referred to 400ms and 650ms. The third variable was location, which referred to cue and target at the same or different location(s). The experiment included four condi- tions, every condition having 20 trials. All the 80 trials appeared randomly and no three trials were the same. All the subjects had a practice activity before the experiment. They could not begin if the practice error rate was higher than 5%. In the experiment, the fixa- tion was presented 200ms, and the peripheral cue 2ooms, the central cue lOOms. And the cue was presented lOOms or 350ms in order to control SOA. Finally, the target was presented at the peripheral location at random. The subjects were asked to press the space bar as quickly as possibly when the target appeared. The response time and error rate were recorded by the software DMDX. One unbalance bilingual child and two monolingual children were excluded because their practice rates were higher than 5 %. The response time was analyzed by repeated measure ANOVA. The results showed that the main effect was significant, F ( 1, 42) = 37. 03, p 〈 . 05. The interaction effect of SOA and location was significant, F(1,42) = 109.81, p 〈. 05. There was no main effect or interaction effect on error rate. Further analyses found that IOR appeared when SOA was 600ms, but not when SOA was 4OOms. The difference of the IOR effect was significant between balance bilingual children and monolingual children. There was no significant differ- ence in other types of children. Based on the results, we conclude that bilingual learning promotes the ability of inhibition control in attentional orienting ; whether bilingual learning promotes inhibition control depend on the proficiency of language.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1144-1148,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2008年度规划课题(FMB080604) 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2009年度规划课题(FFB090667) 新疆维吾尔自治区高校科研计划青年项目(XJEDU2010S37) 新疆自治区高校科研计划项目(XJEDU2009S76)的资助
关键词 抑制控制 注意定向 平衡双语 未平衡双语 inhibition control, attentional orienting, balance bilingual, unbalance bilingual
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