Aiping Zhang received his Ph. D. in English from Harvard University. He is currently a tenured professor and chair of the English Department at California State University, Chico. Al- so, he is a visiting professor of Shanghai University and Beijing Language and Culture University. His areas of specialization are American literature ( especially Puritanism and American novel) , modernism and postmodernism, and ethnic literature. His research interests include modem and contemporary fiction, narrative theory, and post-colonial anglophone literatures. He is author of Enchanted Places : The Use of Settings in F. Scott Fitzgerald' s Fiction ( Greenwood Press, 1997 ) and many articles and book chapters on James Fenimore Cooper, Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzger- ald, James Joyee, Carlos Bulosan, Timothy Mo, Jessica Hagedorn, and Gao Xingjian. In June 2012, Yang Jian, editor of Foreign Literature Studies, interviewed Professor Zhang after teaching Chinese and conducting her research at CSU, Chico for a year. Drawing on his many years' expe- rience in teaching, research and administrative service as the chair of English Department, Pro- fessor Zhang offered an overview about the literary offerings in the English departments of Ameri- can universities and analyzed the educational objectives, systems, discipline building, faculty hiring, curriculum scheduling, textbook adoptions, pedagogy, and program assessment, with a par- ticular emphasis on curriculum and pedagogy . He also compared the current literary offerings in Chinese and American universities and provided some constructive suggestions.
Foreign Literature Studies
American universities English Department literary offerings