
非正统的正统基督徒:论弗罗斯特的宗教观 被引量:1

The Unorthodox Orthodox Christian:On the Religious Faith of Robert Frost
摘要 弗罗斯特是一个正统基督徒但他自己又说他的宗教情怀不正统,正统与非正统矛盾统一于诗人的思想与情感深处:矛盾于如何看待上帝,统一于对基督教义包括对上帝的理性认知。弗罗斯特的宗教观是面向现实人生的宗教观。弗罗斯特的眼光不投向天国,而投向现实人生。人应该努力主宰自己的命运而不应该将自己的命运寄托在上帝身上,不应该奢望上帝在人间实施公正与仁慈。弗罗斯特面向现实人生的宗教观并不意味着他真的反对基督教,他反对的是不分是非、不辨善恶、盲目、迷信地进行偶像崇拜,反对不关注现实人生而关注虚无缥缈的天国。这其实是对宗教意义真正的了解和认知。 Frost is an orthodox Christian but he said his religious faith was not orthodox. Thus, orthodox and unorthodox are contradictory and unified in the poet' s thoughts and emotions: con- tradiction in how to understand God, and unification in Christianity including the rational cogni- tion of God. This article holds the view that Frost puts emphasis on real life instead of the king- dom of Heaven. Frost' s religious belief is the faith in the true life, in which people should deter- mine their own destiny and should not put their hope on God and expect God to carry out justice and mercy on earth. However, his reality-affirming faith doesn' t mean that he is opposed to Christian religion. What he really objects to is the fetishism and the illusory kingdom of heaven which are shown in two aspects: one is the failure to distinguish right from wrong, and the other the lack of concern about the true life. Actually, this point of view is the true understanding and awareness of the religious faith.
作者 李海明
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期134-141,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 杭州师范大学勤慎研究项目资助
关键词 弗罗斯特 宗教观 现实人生 Frost religious faith true life
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  • 1威廉·巴雷特.《非理性的人:存在主义哲学研究》,段德智译.上海:上海译文出版社,2007年.
  • 2Cunningham, John. "Human Presence in Frost' s Universe. " The Cambridge Companion to Robert Frost. Ed. Robert Faggen. Canbridge : Cambridge UP, 2001.
  • 3Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The Journals and Miscellaneou Notebooks. Vol. 4. Ed. William H. Gilman et al. The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1960- 1970. 331 -39.
  • 4罗伯特·弗罗斯特.《弗罗斯特集:诗全集、散文和戏剧作品》,曹明伦译(沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,2002年).
  • 5海德格尔.《路标》,第189页,北京,商务印书馆,2000.
  • 6Parini, Jay. Robert Frost, a Life. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1999.
  • 7Thompson, Lawrance. "Robert Frost Rediscovers Job. " New York Times Book Review 25 Mar. 1945.











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