2009年,对定西巉口林场人工针叶林、阔叶林及针阔混交林23个植被类型土壤水分和林下物种多样性特征进行了连续观测和调查。结果显示:山杏林地土壤水分最低,青杨林和青杨+油松混交林地最高,均与其他林地存在显著性差异,荒草地土壤水分高于其他林地介于中间;土壤水分亏缺量最大的为阔叶乔木或灌木林,其次为针叶林或针阔混交林,衰退的人工林地土壤水分亏缺量最小;浅层土壤水分(0~80 mm)与Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-wiener多样性指数和均匀度指数相关性极显著,存在线性关系。而深层土壤水分与上面3个植物多样性指数无相关性。该研究对阐明人工林地土壤水分环境以及其与群落发育阶段和植物多样的相应关系,指导科学培育人工林提供理论基础。
Continuous observation and investigation were conducted on soil moisture and species diversity and biodiversity characteristics of 23 different types of artificial forest land including coniferous forestland,hardwood forestland,and coniferous-hardwood mixed forestland in the semiarid loess hilly and gully areas at Chankou,Dingxi city in 2009.The results showed:(1) the soil moisture of almond-land was the lowest and the grassland was the midst.The soil moisture of poplar and poplar-pine land was the highest,there was a significant difference compared to other vegetation.(2) The degrees of soil moisture loss of hardwood forest or shrub forest were higher than coniferous forest or coniferous-hardwood mixed forest,and the degree of soil moisture loss on degenerate artificial forest was the lowest.(3) There were significant influences between the soil moisture of shallow layer(0~80mm) and the biodiversity indexes including Shannon-wiener diversity index,Margalef abundance index and evenness index,and there exists a linearity relationship.(4) There was no correlation between the deep soil moisture and the three biodiversity indexes.This study has clarified the relationship between the environment of soil moisture on artificial forest land,developmental stage of community and the biodiversity to offer the theoretical guide on cultivating artificial forest land.
Journal of Gansu Forestry Science and Technology
semiarid loess hilly and gully areas
artificial forest land
soil moisture