

Influence of Starting Age and Length of Learning on English Pronunciation
摘要 人们普遍认为儿童在第二语言学习方面要优于成人,尤其他们在语音方面的特殊能力给人留下深刻印象,这也是从小学开始外语教育的一个普遍依据。实验通过对60个年龄在13-35岁的中国学生所做的语音测试考察年龄和学习时间对英语语音的影响。实验证明年龄是影响语音能力的一个重要因素,在青春期前学习外语的学生更有可能达到标准的语音水平。 It is generally held that children are superior to adults at second language acquisition.And their impressive ability to achieve a more native-like pronunciation of a foreign language than older students is the most common reason given for beginning foreign language learning in elementary schools.Through a pronunciation test of 60 Chinese students aged 13 to 35,the experiment proved that starting age is definitely a significant factor in the accuracy of pronunciation.Students who learn a foreign language before puberty are more likely to achieve a more native-like pronunciation.
作者 谢舒婷
出处 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2012年第9期84-87,共4页 Journal of Hubei University of Education
关键词 二语习得 年龄因素 学习时间因素 语音能力 关键期假说 second language acquisition(SLA) starting age effect length of learning effect pronunciation competence critical period hypothesis
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