
基于模拟退火算法的平面稀疏阵优化 被引量:12

Optimization of Planar Sparse Array Using Simulated Anneal Algorithm
摘要 大规模稀疏阵列优化时,解空间十分庞大,一般优化算法难以实现。模拟退火算法不是一种解空间遍历算法,因而非常适合用于解决此类问题。利用平面阵的对称性,对解空间进行镜像压缩,进一步提高了优化效率。利用解空间压缩后的模拟退火算法优化得到了一种副瓣特性优良的稀疏布阵方式。 In the optimization of large-scale sparse array, the solution space is very large. General optimization algorithm is diffi- cult to achieve. Simulated annealing algorithm is not a traversal algorithm, which makes it very suitable for Solving the problem. Considering the symmetry of the planar array, mirrored condensation of the solution space can be used to improve the efficiency of optimization. A sparse array with excellent characteristics of side-lobe is given by simulated annealing algorithm.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期57-59,62,共4页 Modern Radar
关键词 相控阵 稀疏阵 对称结构 模拟退火算法 低副瓣 phased array sparse array symmetrical structure simulated anneal algorithm low side-lobe
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