
自动铺丝机器人Jacobian矩阵空间算子代数描述 被引量:1

Depiction of the automation fiber placement robotic manipulator′s Jacobian matrix by SOA
摘要 应用空间算子代数理论,在mathmatica环境下对7自由度自动铺丝机器人的Jacobian矩阵进行了求解.通过对采用空间算子代数求解的自动铺丝机器人的Jacobian矩阵和采用微分法和矢量叉积方法得出的Jacobian矩阵进行对比,发现用空间算子代数理论求出的机器人的Jaco-bian矩阵形式简捷和具有明确的物理意义,并且对于任意结构形式的串联机器人的空间算子代数形式的Jacobian矩阵都具有解析的表达形式.研究表明采用空间算子代数求解串联机器人的Jacobian矩阵也是一种行之有效的方法. The 7-DOF automation fiber placement robotic manipulatorts Jacobian matrix is solved by SOA in mathmatic, comparing the Jacobian matrix solved by SOA to by differential method and vector cross product method, it is found that the Jacobian matrix solved by SOA has simple form and clear physical meaning, and for any structural robotic manipulator the Jacobian matrix solved by SOA has the form of analytical expression. Research shows that the Jacobian matrix solved by SOA is an effective method.
出处 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2012年第5期633-637,共5页 Journal of Xi’an Polytechnic University
关键词 铺丝机器人 空间算子代数 Jacobian矩阵 fiber placement robotic manipulator~ spatial operator algebra Jacobian matrix
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