目的 遵照国家卫生部的安排从 1 991年起在盐池县的沟沿村、郑记堡村、老盐池村设 3个监测点 ,连续 8年监测进行综合评价 ,以此了解防治效果。方法 参照《全国地方性氟中毒重点监测方案》的具体要求进行调查分析。结果 3个监测点 8- 1 2岁儿童氟斑牙患病率由监测前的 95.5%、72 .4%、96.0 % ,改水 8年后分别下降为 46.1 %、7.6%、67.7% ;尿氟值由监测前的 2 .84mg/L、2 .1 3mg/L、3.8mg/L分别下降为 1 .43mg/L、1 .5mg/L、1 .7mg/L。 结论 经过改水防治氟中毒已经取得了明显效果。
Objectives Right from 1991,monitoring activities and overall assessments have been carried out consecutively to learn about the effect of the prevention and cure of the endemic fluoride poisoning resulting from drinking water at three spots in yanchi country Ningxia , the gou yan cun zheng ji pu cun,lao yan chi cun.Methods All the monitoring activities and analysises related are carried out in accordance with the specific requirements of the Rey Endemic Fluoride Poisoning nonitoring Programm Across China. Results The disease occurence among children suffers between 8 to 12 at the ethree monitoring spots have dropped respectivelly from a previous 95.5percent,72.4percent and 96.0 percent before monitoring and water improving to a current 46.1 percent.7.6 percent and 67.6percent and the urine fluoride rates have also lowered from 2.84mg/L ,2.13mg/L,3.8mg/L in each place to 1.43mg/L ,1.5mg/L,1.71mg/L,the disease occurence of endemic fluoride poisoning is declining.Conclusions It is a effective method that drinking water is improved namely,to prove water is to decrease fluoride.
Ningxia Medical Journal
Endemic fluorosis
Wrine fluorine
Water fluorine