在GB 50015—2003《建筑给水排水设计规范》(2009年版)的具体应用过程中,发现热水系统小时变化系数Kh的计算方法有待商榷,特提出来进行分析与探讨。提出了Kh计算的建议性方法,并建议"新版建水规"中补充用水定额取高(低)值、使用人(床)数少(多)及用水定额介于规范规定值之间,但使用人(床)数小于等于规范规定的下限值(或者大于等于规范规定的上限值)时,Kh该如何取值或者计算;建议"新版建水规"中补充二元内插法计算Kh所需要的表格,以方便广大工程设计人员查阅。
In the specific implementation process of GB 50015--2003 Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage(2009 edition), the calculation method of hourly variation coefficient for hot water system(Ka) were found to be questionable, therefore, the relevant analysis and discussion were carried out. A suggestive method of Kh calculation was proposed, and a suggestion on adding methods for value determination of hourly variation coefficient or its calculation when water quota is taken the high(or low) value, the number of people(or bed) less(or more) than the values or water quota between the value of the specification, but the number of people (or bed) less than or equal to the lower limit(or greater than the upper limit) were given to the Code(new edition). Besides, to complement the required forms for Ks binary interpolation into the Code ( new edition) was also proposed, so as to provide reference for engineering designers.
Industrial Water & Wastewater
building water supply and drainage
hot water supply system
hourly variation coefficient