
国家、地方市场与贫困地区的变迁——广西凌云县背陇瑶的个案研究 被引量:5

State,Local Market and the Social Changes of Impoverished Area:the Case Study of Beilong Yao People from Linyun County,Guangxi
摘要 文章基于对广西凌云县背陇瑶扶贫搬迁移民的个案研究,指出市场化是背陇瑶移民群体变迁的主线。这一变迁始于国家通过移民搬迁控制瑶族移民的土地资源以发展工业。随之发生的背陇瑶生活资料的商品化以及外出务工成为主要的替代生计方式使背陇瑶被完全卷入市场化进程。贫困人口和贫困地区在这一变迁过程中都被纳入到了全球经济体系的各类"风险"和"不确定性"中。 Based on the case study of Beilong Yao Poverty Reduction Resettlement People in Lingyun County of Guangxi,the article indicates that the marketization is the main line to local group changes.This process started from the state controlling Yao people's lands in the name of poverty reduction resettlement.Alone with that,the commoditization of subsistence happened and outward working became the main substituted livelihood,which led the local people to be involved in the marketization system with risky and and uncertainty characters.
作者 杨小柳
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第3期57-64,共8页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 高校基本科研业务费中山大学文科青年教师培育项目"贫困 文化与发展:理解久扶不脱贫地区的本土文化"(项目编号:1109127)的阶段性成果
关键词 国家 地方市场 社会变迁 背陇瑶 State Local market Social changes Beilong Yao People
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