
一种基于链码检测技术的纤维长度计算方法研究 被引量:1

The research of an approach of calculating fiber length based on the chain code detection
摘要 提出了一种基于链码检测的纤维长度计算方法,算法利用边界链码和与链码差对纤维边界进行分段、合并和纤维计算。针对平行纤维和复杂的纤维交叉情况,提出了基于角点直线方程的计算的方法。仿真实验结果和实际纤维图像的计算结果均验证了算法的有效性。 Abstracts: An approach of calculating fiber length based on chain code detection is proposed in the paper. The edge of the fiber is segmented, united and the fiber length is calculated using the sum of the chain code and the difference of the chain code. Aiming to the parallel fibers and complex crossing fibers, a method of fiber calculation based on the linear equations between the comer points is proposed. The validity of the algorithm is proved by the simulation resuh and the fiber length distribution result of the practical fiber image.
作者 万永菁 张佩
出处 《微计算机信息》 2012年第10期19-20,50,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 链码检测 纤维长度 链码和 链码差 Chain code detection Fiber length Sum of the chain code Difference of sum of the chain code
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