The zhongshui Formation in Zhongshui region of Weining,Guizhou,is the record of the earliest ceW period in Cenozoic Age in Guizh;su .Which may have been compared with the cold period from Late Miocene to Early Pliocene shown by isotopic curves of Subsouth Pole area. According to the data of spore-pollen,element geochemistry,isotopic chronology and lithology, etc. , the climate circulations since late early Pleistocene shown by the records of deep-sea oxygen isotope of the Pacific Ocean are also reflected in Guizhou. The six glacial periods divided mainly according to glacial moraines glacial water terraces and the features of sediments may have all been compound glacial periods and compared with Wurm. Riss.Mindel. Gunz.Donau. Biber glaciation of Alps area.
In Pleistocene, glaciations occurred more than once in Guizhou, but scales were not Jarge and generally distributed in a few high and mid-high mountain areas Meanwhile, glaciosolifluction occurred in glacial marginal environment in other regions in Guizhou, where freezing and thawing actions were comparatively stronger.
Guizhou Geology