
悬挑结构人致振动的TMD振动控制 被引量:4

Vibration Control Technology of Cantilever Structure Under Human-Induced Excitation with TMD
摘要 以广州亚运会历史展览馆的实际工程经验为例,分析了悬挑结构TMD振动控制设计时在模态选择、频率计算、人致激励模型、产品设计、效果评价等方面的特点与难点及相应的技术手段。在计算时应进行数值模型参数敏感性分析以确定可能的频率计算误差并指导TMD产品设计;在目前研究成果的基础上提出了一种均布荷载时程分析的步行激励模型;模态频率、结构阻尼等结构特性的计算均有一定的误差,但对于有/无TMD时振动响应相对值测试结果与计算结果较接近。 Asian Games Historical Exhibition Center is analyzed as a typical example for Cantilever structure to- gether with TMD system. Difficulty and corresponding solution are suggested in choosing target mode, human excitation model, computing natural frequency, TMD design and effect assessment. Parameters sensibility should be analyzed human excitation is and real structure. to check the probable inaccuracy of the numeric modal. A distributed numeric force modal of suggested based on the current research. There is always inaccuracy between FEA modal The computed effect of TMD system meets the results of test.
出处 《桂林理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第3期402-406,共5页 Journal of Guilin University of Technology
关键词 质量调谐减振器 TMD 悬挑结构 振动控制 被动控制 人致振动 tuned mass damper TMD cantilever structure vibration control passive control human-in-duced excitation
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