
高比表面积氟化铝材料制备的研究进展 被引量:1

Progress in preparation of aluminum fluoride materials with high surface area
摘要 氟化铝是金属氟化物中最具代表性的一类无机材料,具有L酸中心,广泛用作催化剂或催化剂载体,主要应用于氟氯烃及其ODS替代品的气固相催化合成。高比表面积氟化铝具有更多的表面L酸中心。综述了近年国内外高比表面积氟化铝合成的研究成果,评述了高比表面积无定形AlF3和晶型AlF3(β-AlF3、α-AlF3和γ-AlF3等)的合成方法,分析了溶胶-凝胶法、气相氟化法和加热分解法等方法对高比表面积氟化铝合成的影响。分析了高比表面积氟化铝合成中存在的一些问题,展望了高比表面积氟化铝合成的发展趋势和应用。 Aluminum fluoride is the most representative inorganic material in the metal fluorides, and is widely used as catalyst or catalyst support for synthesis of chlorofluorocarbons and ODS substitute in the gas-solid phase due to its Lewis acid centers. Aluminum fluoride with high surface area has more amount of surface Lewis acid sites. The progress in the preparation of aluminum fluoride with high surface area in recent years was reviewed. The synthetic methods of the amorphous aluminum fluoride and crystalline alu- minium fluorides ( 13-A1F3, oL-A1F3, ^-AIF3, etc. ) were summarized. Different synthesis methods, such as sol-gel method, gas phase fluorination and thermal decomposition method, were also evaluated. The exist- ing problems in the preparation of aluminum fluoride with high surface area were discussed. The develop- ment trend and application of aluminum fluoride with high surface area were also outlined.
出处 《工业催化》 CAS 2012年第10期14-20,共7页 Industrial Catalysis
基金 浙江省科技厅项目资助项目(2010C31031031)
关键词 催化化学 高比表面积氟化铝 L酸 溶胶-凝胶法 热分解 catalytic chemistry aluminum fluoride with high surface area Lewis acid sol-gel method thermal decomposition
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