The conjecture [1] asserts that any biharmonic submanifold in sphere has constant mean curvature. In this paper, we first prove that this conjecture is true for pseudo-umbilical biharmonic submanifolds M n in constant curvature spaces S n+p (c)(c > 0), generalizing the result in [1]. Secondly, some sufficient conditions for pseudo-umbilical proper biharmonic submanifolds M n to be totally umbilical ones are obtained.
The conjecture [1] asserts that any biharmonic submanifold in sphere has constant mean curvature. In this paper, we first prove that this conjecture is true for pseudo-umbilical biharmonic submanifolds Ms in constant curvature spaces Sn+P(c)(c 〉 0), generalizing the result in [1]. Secondly, some sufficient conditions for pseudo-umbilical proper biharmonic submanifolds Ms to be totally umbilical ones are obtained.
Supported by the NNSF of China(71061012)
Supported by the Young Talents Project of Dingxi Teacher's College(2012-2017)