
美国《1873年林木种植法》刍议 被引量:1

A Study on the Timber Culture Act of 1873
摘要 《1873年林木种植法》是美国国会为了鼓励美国人在西部大平原植树通过的法案,法案对申请人的资格、申请的土地数量、获得土地产权标准、申请程序、违反义务等方面做出规定,一部分诚实的拓殖者申请了土地,但是由于法案本身不太严密,造成土地投机盛行。该法的实施使西部形成了一些森林,但总体来说是失败的,大部分林木种植地申请者放弃了土地,其主要原因是气候干旱、土地投机、小农的贫困等,立法者应该对法律条款进行充分论证,使其更加严密,并有配套执行机构和资金,使其更有实践性。 The Timber Culture Act of 1873 passed by the American Congress in order to encourage the American people to plant trees in the Great Plains provided qualification of applicants, land quantity for application, standard of giving patent, application procedures, breach of obligation clause etc. Some honest settlers applied for timber land. However, the articles of the Act were not strict so that land speculation was unavoidable under it. Some groves did grow up in the Great Plains states because of the implementation of the Act while the Act failed to a large extent due to the arid climate, land speculation and farmers^poverty. The experience from the Act is that the law maker ought to be more considerate and fully evaluated the provisions. The Act ought to stipulate the establishment of a supporting executive body and the raising of necessary funds so as to make it more practical.
作者 宋云伟
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2012年第5期138-143,共6页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 中国人民大学985工程第三期专项经费的资助
关键词 美国 《1873年林木种植法》 大平原 小农 Timber Culture Act of 1873 the Great Plains farmers speculation
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  • 2Charles R. Kutzleb, Rain Follows The Plow : The History of An l- dea[D]. Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado, 1968.
  • 3The Congressional Globe[ Z ]. 42nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1871 -1872, Part V, Washington: F&J Rivers &George A. Bailey, 1872.
  • 4Raiph Brown, Historical Geography of the United States [ M ]. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1948.
  • 5Benjamin H. Hibbard, A History of the Public Policies [ M ]. New York : Macmillan Company, 1924.
  • 6Charles McIntosh, "Use and Abuse of the Timber Culture Act" [ J ]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol 65,Sep 1975.
  • 7U. S. Statutes at Large[ Z]. Vol. 17, Chap. 277, Massachusetts : Boston Little, Brown, and Company, 1873.
  • 8Everett Dick, Conquering the Great American Desert: Nebraska [ M ]. Lincoln: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1975.
  • 9United States Statutes at Large [ Z ]. 52nd Congress, Sess. II, Ch. 208, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1893.
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