舰船甲板平台区域的气流牵引式循环升温新技术是为解决其防冻和除冰等相关问题研究的。本文利用专用的原理性验证模拟实验装置,初步研究了牵引气体流量对舰船甲板平台区域升温效果的影响。对牵引气体流量为0.5,1.5和3 L/min进行升温效果的对比实验。结果表明:在水面与甲板表面的初始温差相同(同为5.9~6.0℃)情况下,牵引气体流量会明显影响甲板平台区域的升温效果;牵引气体流量越多,甲板平台区域的升温幅度就越大,其升温效果也就越好,如牵引气体流量为3 L/min时甲板表面升温幅度约为1.7℃,而牵引气体流量为0.5 L/min时其升温的总幅度仅为0.5℃左右。所得结论可为这一新技术的深入研究提供必要的理论和实验基础。
Deck-temperature-rising technology is the new technology that solves the antifreeze and deicing problems of ships.In this paper,the special experimental device was designed,and the influence laws of this new technology in different traction gas flow were studied.Comparative experiments were done with the traction gas flow at 0.5,1.5 and 3 L/min.The experimental results show that with the same initial temperature of water and deck surface,the traction gas flow has significant impact on this new technology.The more the traction gas flow is,the greater the warming-up amplitude and the better warming-up effect can be achieved,for example,the warming-up amplitude is about 1.7℃ at 3 L/min,while the warming-up amplitude is only about 0.5℃ at 0.5 L/min.This conclusion will be valuable in further studies on this new technology.
Ship Science and Technology