

Analysis of DS-UWB Interference Power at Mobile Communication Systems
摘要 对直扩超宽带(DS-UWB)信号分别于时域和频域进行描述,并对其功率谱密度进行了详细研究。在干扰功率计算中,选择现有3G移动标准宽带码分多址(WCDMA)、码分多址2000(CDMA2000)和时分同步码分多址(TD-SCDMA)作为被干扰系统。与UWB信号带宽相比,被干扰系统的带宽相对较窄,因此假设在接收端频谱是平坦的。研究结果表明,可以通过调整DS-UWB脉冲波形和脉冲成形因子来减少干扰功率。通过权衡和比较脉冲成形因子小于的三阶高斯脉冲是一个最优选择。 A Direct Spread-Ultra Wideband(DS-UWB) system model is described in time and frequency domain.Power Spectral Density(PSD) of DS-UWB system is researched.In the interference power calculation,the victimreceivers are supposed to be current3Gmobile communication systems,includingWideband Code Division Multiple Access(WCDMA),Code DivisionMultiple Access 2000(CDMA2000) andTime Division-Synchronous Code DivisionMultiple Access(TDCDMA).Interference Powermodel is presented by assuming that the spectrum is flat at the victim receiver due to relatively narrow bandwidth compared with the UWB signal band.The results showthat the interference power can be reduced by regulating the pulse waveform and pulse shape factorαin DS-UWB model.The study reveals that Gaussian 3rd derivative pulse with pulse shape factor smaller than 0.3 ns is a good choice for current third generation(3G) systems by comparison and tradeoff.
作者 姚恒
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2012年第10期1696-1701,共6页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 上海大学博士生创新基金(SHUCX101090)~~
关键词 直扩超宽带 3G系统 功率密度谱 干扰功率 脉冲成形因子 DS-UWB 3G system power spectral density interference power pulse shape factor
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