
汶川地震所致创伤后应激障碍患者的共病分析 被引量:7

The analysis on comorbidity cases with post-traumatic stress disorder aroused by Wenchuan Earthquake
摘要 目的:了解汶川地震部分极重灾区所致创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)患者共病其他精神障碍的情况,以及影响共病的因素。方法:采用方便取样,对四川省绵阳市所辖的安县、平武县及北川县部分受灾群众进行调查,以DSM-Ⅳ-TR轴Ⅰ障碍定式临床检查(SCID-I/P)为诊断工具。结果:共138例诊断PTSD,其中90例共病其他精神障碍,共病率65.2%;42.8%患者共病重性抑郁障碍,12.3%共病特殊恐怖症,10.9%共病惊恐发作;40~59岁共病率最高为70.4%(χ2=5.94,P=0.05),有亲人死亡者共病抑郁症35例,明显高于无亲人死亡者24例,两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.16;P=0.04)。结论:65.2%PTSD患者共病其他精神障碍,以共病重性抑郁障碍、特殊恐怖症、惊恐发作最多见,共病率与年龄相关,地震中有亲人死亡将增加PTSD共病抑郁症风险。 Objective:To investigate comorbidity of post-traumatic stress disorder aroused by Wenchuan earthquake and related factors on comorbidity.Method:Parts of heavy victims of An County and Pingwu and Beichuan residents were interviewed by Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-Ⅳ Axis I Disorders(SCID-I/P).Results:138 people were diagnosed as PTSD,90 of whom (65.2%) had comorbidity with other mental disorder,namely,42.8% major depressive disorder,12.3% specific phobia,10.9% panic attack.People with close relatives dead in the earthquake showed higher comorbid major depressive disorder (n=35) than those without close relative dead (n=24)(χ 2=4.16,P=0.04).Conclusion:62.5% patients with PTSD show comorbidity with other mental disorder,of which major depressive disorder,specific phobia and panic attack were most.The comorbidity was associated with age,close relatives dead in the earthquake can increase the risk of comorbidity with major depressive disorder.
出处 《临床精神医学杂志》 2012年第5期313-315,共3页 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
关键词 创伤后应激障碍 共病 重性抑郁障碍 特殊恐怖症 惊恐发作 地震 post-traumatic stress disorder comorbidity major depressive disorders specific phobia panic attack earthquake
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