
制造业人力资源技能需求分析研究 被引量:1

Human Resource Skill Training Needs Analysis for Manufacturing Industry
摘要 针对国内很多制造业面临着人力资源技能不足,且目前人力资源培训研究缺乏具体的技能需求分析方法和工具的问题,采用三步法进行作业型技能需求分析,即通过瓶颈分析和关键质量点分析从全部岗位中提取关键岗位,通过5大原则从关键岗位中提取关键动作单元,通过聚类分析和技能模拟,从而将关键动作单元转化为可直接进行培训的关键技能单元。该方法能够帮助企业对各岗位进行系统、严谨的分析,设计出有效、合理的技能培训模拟单元。实践案例表明,该方法可以准确和有效地从工作流程中提取培训需求的基本要素,为制造型企业进行系统性人力资源技能培训需求分析提供了具体的方法和工具。 Most manufacturers face with the problem of employee skill inefficiency,but current human resource training research lacks of method and process which can be applied directly.A three-step method was presented to solve the problem of operational skill training needs analysis.Jobs analysis and cross-functional discussion was introduced to collect knowledge skill training needs.Key positions were obtained by bottleneck and CTQ analysis from all positions.Key motions cells were found by five principles from key positions.And key skill cells were found by cluster analysis and simulation from key motion cells.Empirical results show that the above methods can extract information from the operations in plant to form the training needs with high efficiency and precision,providing useful tool for manufacturing industry to make training needs analysis.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 CAS 2012年第5期653-657,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71071107)
关键词 人力资源管理 技能培训需求 作业型 知识型 聚类分析 human resource management skill training needs operation oriented knowledge oriented cluster analysis
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