应用SDS -PAGE对病毒的结构蛋白研究结果显示 :T株病毒与M4 1和H52 的结构蛋白存在一定的相似性 ,均具有分子量为 90KD、84KD、6 7KD和 4 3KD的蛋白带 ,但T株病毒还具有一条分子量为 6 1KD的条带 ,而且它相对含量很高 ,肾型传支上海地区野毒株与T株相似 ,也主要具有这条 6 1KD的条带 ,应用兔抗IBV -T血清转印 ,显示 6 1KD结构蛋白均具较强的免疫反应性 。
IBV were amplified and purified by ultracentrifugation,The proteins were electrophoretically seperated on 12.5%SDS-polyacrylamide (SDS-PAGE) gels,The results showed that IBV-T,IBV-M 41 and IBV-H 52 had the similar profile with protein of 90KD,84KD,67KD and 43KD,Protein of 61KD with high relative content appeared in IBV-T.A virulent strain of IBV isolated from Shanghai had the similar profile with IBV-T,Immunoblot analysis was performed with antibody against IBV-T,The results suggested that the protein of 61KD might be the protective antigen of IBV.
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