
个体在组织内知识寻求行为影响因素实证研究 被引量:5

An empirical study on the factors influencing knowledge-seeking behavior of individuals within an organization
摘要 个体在组织内知识寻求行为对于促进组织个体获取所需知识和提高组织知识利用率至关重要.根据知识市场理论和组织变革理论,将知识寻求行为的寻求意愿和寻求努力2个方面与人员、任务、环境和技术等4个组织核心要素相结合,建立了个体在组织内知识寻求行为影响因素的研究模型,并提出了相应假设.通过对217名研发人员进行问卷调查,利用SPSS13.0对量表进行了信度和效度的分析,利用结构方程模型(SEM)对假设进行了检验,最终得知前期经验、组织回报和知识增长影响个体寻求意愿,而组织规模、共享文化和寻求平台影响个体寻求努力,寻求意愿和寻求努力之间为正相关关系. Individual knowledge-seeking behavior within an organization is critical for enabling the individuals to ob- tain the necessary knowledge and improve their utilization of organizational knowledge. According to the knowledge market theory and organizational change theory, by combining two aspects of the knowledge seeking behavior-see- king intention and seeking effort with four key elements of an organization, i. e. , personnel, task, environment and technology, this study established a research model of the factors influencing knowledge-seeking behavior of individ- uals within an organization, and proposed hypotheses. The data was collected by questionnaires from 217 R&D staff members, and the reliability and validity of the measure instrument were analyzed by SPSS13.0. The hypothesis of the model was verified by a structure equation model (SEM). Finally, it was concluded that previous experience, organization return and knowledge increase affect individual seeking intention, while organizational size, sharing culture and the seeking platform affect seeking effort. Furthermore, there is a significantly positive correlation be- tween seeking intention and seeking effort.
作者 张伟 张庆普
出处 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1180-1185,共6页 Journal of Harbin Engineering University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70672063 70873027 71273076) 黑龙江省自然科学基金资助项目(G201006)
关键词 知识寻求 寻求意愿 寻求努力 结构方程模型 knowledge seeking seeking intention seeking effort structure equation model
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