本文报道从 1980年~ 1989年 10年中 ,在新疆阿勒泰、阿克苏、巴州等 15个地州市、86个县、4 2 6个乡 (镇 )、15个种畜场的 19种动物和 12 7899头 (只 )动物鹦鹉热衣原体病调查 ,并通过衣原体、弓形体和布鲁氏菌病对比调查说明 ,新疆布病控制后 ,衣原体是引起山、绵羊流产的主要原因之一。并从阿克苏、塔城等四个地州的山、绵羊流产胎儿中成功地分离出 19株鹦鹉热衣原体 ,鉴定方法采用电镜、药敏试验、鸡胚毒力试验等 6种方法 ,较系统、全面。针对衣原体的严重性 ,阿克苏地区用本地分离出的衣原体自制油佐剂灭活苗 (部分购自兰州兽医研究所 ) ,5年中共免疫绵、山羊 311.8万只 ,有效地控制了本病的流行 ,流产大幅度减少 ,5年中共减少流产 4 9.
This article reports a 10 years'(1980-1989) survey of Chlamydia psittaci infection in 19 species of animals including 127, 899 diseased animals. The survey showed that chlamydiosis was one of the main causes of abortion in goats and sheep after brucellosis had been under control in Xinjiang province. Nineteen strains of Chlamydia psittaci were isolated from aborted foetus of goats and sheep in Aksu, Tacheng, and another two counties and identified or tested by election microscopy, drug sensitive test, and virulence test for chicken embryos. In recent 5 years, we have vaccinated about 3 118 000 goats and sheep by the use of dead vaccine and have kept the serious prevalence under control.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine