目的观察圣脑康丸治疗女性血管性头痛的疗效。方法 224例女性患者按3:1随机分为治疗组168例(其中108例为间歇期、60例发作期)和复方丹参对照组56例(其中36例间歇期、20例发作期),分析比较两种药物的临床作用;两组服药前后行经颅多普勒超声(TCD)检测,观察比较两种药物改善脑血流状态的疗效。结果圣脑康丸治疗后,经TCD检测,108例间歇期患者,除1例外其余的脑血流异常状态得到明显改善,101例恢复正常,有效率为90.5%;对照组的36例间歇期患者有效率为11例(30.6%)。60例发作期患者,除2例外其余的脑血流异常状态也得到好转,54例恢复正常,有效率为90%。对照组的20例发作期患者有效率为25%(5例)。两组相比,治疗组的疗效明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论圣脑康治疗女性血管性头痛的疗效优于复方丹参片。
Objective To observe the effect of Shengnaokang capsules in treatment of women vascular headache.Methods Two hundred and twenty four female patients were divided into treatment group(168 cases,including 108 cases during intermission and 60 cases during period of onset) and control group(56 cases,including 36 cases during intermission and 20 cases during period of onset).The two drugs in clinical role were analyzed and compared,TCD was preformed before and after taking drugs and the effects of drugs on improvement of CBF states were observed.Results After Shengnaokang capsules treatment,the TCD results showed that in 108 cases during intermission there were 101 cases cured,the others CBF states were improved except 1 case,the effective rate was 90.5%.In control group,the effective rate in 36 cases during intermission was 30.6%(11 cases).In 60 cases during period of onset,the CBF states were improved except 2 cases,there were 54 cases cured,the effective rate was 90%.The effective rate in 20 cases during period of onset in control group was 25%(5 cases).The efficacy of the treatment group was better than of the control group(P0.05).Conclusion The effect of Shengnaokang capsules in treatment of women vascular headache is better than compound danshen tablets.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
Shengnaokang capsules
women vascular headache
transcranial Doppler