
并行策略与沟通策略对新产品开发绩效的影响机理 被引量:3

Effects of Concurrent and Communication Strategies on New Product Development Performance
摘要 如何应用并行策略和沟通策略节约新产品开发的时间和成本。将上游演化速度、上下游之间的依赖性和上游不确定性作为影响并行策略的关键因素,运用定性方法,发现上游演化速度与最优并行度呈正相关关系,上下游之间的依赖性和上游不确定性与最优并行度呈负相关关系;运用定量方法,建立单独的并行策略和伴随有沟通策略的并行策略两个模型,帮助企业确定最优并行度和沟通次数,最大限度地节约开发时间和成本。将模型应用于某种冰箱的产品开发过程中,证明模型的有效性,并说明模型的具体使用方法;分析方法和模型可用于指导并行开发的研究,并为企业产品开发流程的改进提供决策支持。 This paper studies how to apply concurrent and communication strategies to save the time and cost of new product development. Taking the evolution rate of upstream, the dependencies between downstream and upstream, and the uncertainty of upstream as the key factors of affecting concurrent strategies. By qualitative analysis, we find that there is a positive correlation between the evolution rate of upstream and optimal overlapping, yet the dependencies between downstream and upstream and the uncertainty of upstream have negative effect on optimal concurrent degree. By quantitative analysis, we establish two models to study concurrent strategies alone and the interrelationship between concurrent and communication strategies, which can be used by companies to determine the optimal concurrent degree and communication times and save development time and cost. The methodology was applied to a refrigerator development process so as to prove its utility and illustrate its specific use. The analytical method and model can be used to guide studies of concurrent development, and provide decision support for companies to improve new product development performance.
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期1-9,共9页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(71001084 71072128) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20100201120050)~~
关键词 产品开发 并行开发 并行策略 沟通策略 product development concurrent development concurrent strategies communication strategies
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