

Design and Application of Intelligentize System in Autoignition Temperature Test
摘要 为降低液体自燃温度测试过程中的操作危险,准确判定自燃现象发生及温度,减少繁琐的手工操作,参照ASTM E659-78(2005)、GB/T21791—2008及GB/T21860—2008标准,设计了一套智能自燃温度测试系统。采用操作微机软件控制炉体升降温、自动进样泵进样、温度采集、自燃现象拍摄、尾气抽滤等过程,实现自燃温度测试从开始进样到吹扫尾气全流程的自动化;利用设计系统测试乙醇、丙酮等5种常见物质的自燃温度,测试结果与文献值的相对标准偏差不超过2.0%。结果表明所设计系统操作方便快捷、安全实用、结果准确。 In order to mitigate the potential hazard to operator and reduce the fussy hand operations in the testing of autoignition temperature, an intelligentize autoignition temperature testing system was designed accordingtothe standards of ASTM E659-78 (2005),GB/ T21791-2008 and GB/T21860-2008. The processes of furnace temperature ramping, automatic injec- tor-pump, temperature signal acquisition, phenomenon shooting, end gas exhausting were all controlled by computer program, which made the operations in au- toignition temperature testing from liquid sample feed- ing to end gas exhausting fully automatic.Autoignition temperaturesoffive commonchemicals,ethanol,acetone, etc, were determined by the system, which showed the operation of the system is convenient and safe. And the relative standard deviations of the testing results with reference values were less than 2.0%, which validate the practicability and accuracy of the system.
出处 《安全、健康和环境》 2012年第10期39-42,共4页 Safety Health & Environment
关键词 自燃温度 智能化系统 设计 应用 autoignition temperature system intelli- gentize design application
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