
汽车动力总成橡胶悬置结构疲劳设计 被引量:6

Structure fatigue design on rubber mount of automobile power train
摘要 为提高汽车悬置结构中橡胶减振件的疲劳耐久性能,定义后抗扭悬置的疲劳失效热点区域,用有限元法计算其应变分布,获得热点的最大主应变;结合橡胶材料的ε-N曲线计算结构局部疲劳寿命,运用线性疲劳累积损伤理论评估结构整体疲劳寿命.用有限元法预测的失效区域和疲劳寿命与台架强度试验得到的失效区域和疲劳寿命基本吻合,表明该结构疲劳设计方法可行。 To improve the fatigue durability of rubber vibration reduction parts of automobile mount structure, the fatigue failure hot spot regions of rear anti-torsion mount are defined, the strain distributions are calculated by finite element method, the maximum principal strains of hot spots are obtained, the fatigue life of local structure is calculated with the e-N curve of rubber material, and the fatigue life of whole structure is evaluated by linear fatigue accumulating damage theory. The failure regions and fatigue life predicted by the finite element method basically match that of the bench test of strength, which shows that the structure fatigue design method is feasible.
出处 《计算机辅助工程》 2012年第5期61-64,77,共5页 Computer Aided Engineering
关键词 动力总成 橡胶 后抗扭悬置 减振 疲劳失效 应变 有限元 power train rubber rear anti-torsion mount vibration reduction fatigue failure strain finite element
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