
自动气象站太阳能充放电控制器的研制与应用 被引量:5

Development and Application of Solar Charge/Discharge Controller in Automatic Weather Station
摘要 在实际工作中发现区域自动气象站蓄电池存在过充电现象。过充电使蓄电池使用寿命严重缩短,导致自动站无法正常运行。通过自行研制的太阳能充放电控制器在端电压达到蓄电池上限值时停止充电,能有效解决蓄电池过充现象,起到保护蓄电池的作用。保护器只用太阳能电池的电能而不用蓄电池的电能,无光照(无须保护)时自动停止工作,最大限度地延长采集器工作时间;控制器可即插即用,无须改动采集器中的任何接线,从而保证了区域站的长期稳定运行。 In the practical work, the overcharge phenomenon of storage batteries is often found in regional automatic weather stations, which shortens the service life of the battery. To solve this problem, a self- made solar charge/discharge controller can be used to stop charging when the battery terminal voltage reaches the upper limit value. As the protector uses only the electric energy of the solar battery rather than that of the storage battery, it will stop working when there is no sunlight. In this way the controller extends, to the greatest extent, the working hours of the collector. In addition, the controller can work anytime as it is plugged without altering any of its wiring, so to ensure the long-term stable operation of the regional weather station.
出处 《气象科技》 2012年第5期763-765,共3页 Meteorological Science and Technology
关键词 区域自动气象站 太阳能 蓄电池 过充电保护 regional automatic weather station solar energy storage battery overcharge protection
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