
硼、镁缺乏诱发柑橘叶片维管组织变化差异研究 被引量:12

Differences of Anatomic Structure in Citrus Leaves Caused by Boron and Magnesium Deficiency
摘要 以尤溪金柑(Fortunella crassifolia Swingle)、纽荷尔脐橙[Citrus senisis(L.)]和琯溪蜜柚[C.grandis(L.)]一年生老熟春梢叶片为材料,结合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP)和常规石蜡切片法对缺硼和缺镁条件下叶片维管组织结构变化的差异进行了研究。结果表明:缺硼植株叶片中脉维管组织异常增生,早期纤维鞘结构成束状分离,但木质部与韧皮部之间界限分明,维管射线结构保持完整;后期主脉初生韧皮部及纤维鞘外层薄壁细胞坏死,侧脉初生韧皮部坏死并伴随韧皮部增生的同时海绵组织细胞增生。维管组织及维管束外周的薄壁细胞增生为缺硼典型组织异常。缺镁植株叶片,早期叶绿体的数量与结构发生明显改变,中脉纤维鞘成束状分布,后生木质部结构弥散,木射线结构不完整;后期中脉髓部与韧皮部细胞坏死,侧脉初生木质部导管内部产生大量侵填体,初生木质部退化,而木质部与韧皮增生。木质部的阻塞退化与不规则增生以及髓部细胞的退化为缺镁典型组织异常。 Boro(nB)and magnesium(Mg)are essential mineral nutrients for plant growth and survival.Here by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry(ICP),11 nutrient elements in citrus matured spring leaves[including Fortunella crassifolia Swingle,Citrus senisi(sL.)and C.Grandi(sL.)],of which vein splitted,were determined,and their anatomic structure were also analysed by paraffin section.Results were as follow:B and Mg deficiency both could lead to cracking of vein surface,dysplasia of vascular tissue and separation of sclerenchyma in citrus leaves.The boundary between xylem and phloem in vascular bundle was clear,and ray structure remained intact in leave that suffered from B deficiency.Besides,B deficiency caused necrosis of primary phloem and cortex in midrib,necrosis of primary phloem in lateral veins,as well as hyperplasia of spongy tissue.However,dispersion of epigenetic xylem structure and wooden-ray structure was detected in leaves that suffered from Mg deficiency.Mg deficiency caused a reduction in number and structural changes of chloroplast,necrosis of pith and primary phloem in midrib,tylosis in vessel elements of primary xylem in lateral veins,as well as hyperplasia of primary phloem.Tylosis in vessel elements and irregular hyperplasia of xylem,and necrosis of pith in midrib could be used as diagnostic criteria for Mg deficiency in citrus plants.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1869-1875,共7页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
关键词 柑橘 缺硼 缺镁 叶片 维管组织 薄壁细胞 叶绿体 citrus boron deficiency magnesium deficiency leaf vessel tissue parenchyma cell chloroplast
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