研究了不同培肥措施对褐土有机无机复合状况的影响。结果表明 ,土壤有机无机复合状况是标志褐土培肥效果和肥力水平的重要指标。长期单施常量NPK化肥 ,使土壤有机无机复合性质有变劣的趋势 ;有机肥 (物 )料配施化肥 ,可明显提高轻组有机质和重组腐殖质含量、原土复合量 ,降低原土复合度 ,改善土壤有机无机复合性质 ,提高土壤肥力水平。采用有机肥 (物 )
The effect of improving soil fertility with different measures on status of organic mineral complex in cinnamon soil was studied in this paper The results showed that organic mineral complex was important indices to reflect the effect of improving soil fertility With long term content NPK chemical fertilizer application,the quantities of organic mineral complex were showing a tendency to decline Organic manure used together with chemical fertilizer not only remarkably raised the content of light organic matter,content of heavy humus,complex amount of native soil,organic mineral complex and soil fertility but also reduced the degree of additional complex in cinnamon soil Organic manure used together with chemical fertilizer was the effective measure to improve the soil fertility in cinnamon soil in eastern areas of Hebei province
Journal of Hebei Vocation-Technical Teachers College
河北省科委"九五"农业综合试验区研究项目!"燕山山麓平原褐土培肥机理与量化培肥模型及培肥技术研究"(96 2 2 0 91 6D - 4)