试验研究了主要栽培因子与小麦根腐病发生的关系。结果表明 :冀东冬麦区 9月 30日左右播种 ,播量为 1 5 0kg/hm2 ,稻麦轮作 ,氮磷肥配合施用 ,根腐病发生较轻。不同小麦品种对根腐病的抗感反应不同。供试品种中 。
The experiments were conducted on the relationship between the main cultivating divisors and wheat root rot The results showed the wheat root rot could be weakened if the winter wheat in the eastern areas of Hebei province was sown about Sep 30 annually,the quantity of sowing was 150 kg/hm 2,rice and wheat were rotated and the nitrate and phosphoric fertilizer were used coordinately But different wheat varieties had different resistance to the infection of root rot In our experiments,the immuno varieties have not been found
Journal of Hebei Vocation-Technical Teachers College